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Adaptogens for Workout Endurance and Recovery

Adaptogens for Workout Endurance and Recovery



Millions have discovered that physical activity adds to a sense of overall wellness, promotes restful sleep, and keeps the body in shape. Plus, exercise garners numerous unseen benefits, such as an increase in lifespan and better digestion. Physical activity also creates a natural breakdown of cells, wear and tear on the body, and the potential to cause injuries — a fact that has brought modern sports science together with the ancient practice of Ayurveda. Certain herbs in India, now called “adaptogens,” have been used for thousands of years to help restore the body from physical and mental exertion, and now they have found a new application in addressing sports-related injuries, muscle- and endurance building, overexercising, and stress.

Of all the Ayurvedic plants, those that are classified ad adaptogens — foods and herbs that tackle stress — hold the most promise for exercise-related issues. Depending on the intensity of your training routine, your body needs more oxygen, nutrients that rebuild damaged muscles, a way to increase lung capacity, and a stronger cardiovascular system. It’s also important to handle inflammation and process the breakdown of cells due to physical exertion. To follow are several helpful herbs for anyone involved in working out and sports activities.

Ashwagandha, the Rejuvenator

Ashwagandha, sometimes referred to as “the rejuvenator,” is described in ancient texts as being analogous to what we might call a superfood. The Ayurvedic herb offers so many benefits, ranging from stress management to blood sugar balance. Nutrition science researcher Bakhtiar Choudhary, Hyderabad Spine Clinic, Andhra Pradesh, India, reported that Ashwagandha significantly increases oxygen supplies throughout the body. This not only helps oxygenate the muscles, heart, and lungs, but it also aids in recovery. And, for regular gym-goers, Ashwagandha has the potential to not only help improve muscular strength, but also size.

Particularly important for fitness activities is a relatively new concept called cardiorespiratory endurance. This is the level at which your heart, lungs, and muscles work together when exercising for an extended period of time. Ashwagandha has been shown to increase VO2, which is a scientific indicator of how well your body is producing energy to handle your exercise demands. Sports medicine researchers at University of California, Davis, reported that aerobic fitness — exercises that use oxygen to adequately meet energy demands — requires your body to deliver enough oxygen to the muscles for them to engage in activity.

Tulsi, Queen of Ayurvedic Herbs

Another helpful plant for physical exertion and recovery is Tulsi (Holy Basil), regarded as queen of Ayurvedic herbs, whose name is derived from the Hindi word for “the incomparable one.” Tulsi protects the heart and lungs, both of which are essential for endurance and oxygenation during and after exercise. Tulsi is a good source of potassium, and thus supports muscle cell, cardiovascular, and respiratory function. Its ability to bring the body into balance, or homeostasis, is especially noteworthy for athletes and exercise enthusiasts, because a natural consequence of physical stress constitutes some degree of physiological and metabolic damage. Marc Cohen, School of Health Sciences, RMIT University, Victoria, Australia, noted that when stressors are too great for the body to handle, they damage the body’s biochemistry, organ functions, and general health. Adaptogenic herbs, such as Tulsi, can protect against this damage.

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