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Create a Bedtime schedule

Finding the time to relax and wind down seems as though it if it were a thing you'll do when you have the time, which you never seem to find. Oh, that's for the people who have the luxury of extra time, you think- but you couldn't be more wrong.

That time has come.

Everybody should have a sleep schedule that they stick to. Every night. Try the suggestions listed for a great night's sleep.

  1. Create a bed palace that's your own. Keep it for just sleeping. Don't watch T.V. from bed or check your phone; the blue light is distracting and keeps you awake, even if you have blue light blockers, these wind up your mind, so put them away. Yes, reading is ok.

  2. Try to schedule your heavier meals for earlier in the evening, and have a light snack closer to bedtime. This means NO alcohol. Why, you ask since alcohol is a depressant and causes you to sleep faster? Because studies have shown that while alcohol helps you to fall asleep faster, your sleep quality will suffer and you'll wake up shortly after sleep. A good snack is crackers and fruit, or a couple slices of turkey and a cup of tea.

  3. Take a warm bath or shower. Feel the tensions of the day wash down the drain.

  4. Jot the day down in your journal; place your worries on the page then let them float away while you dream your night away. Dream of a better world. What my mentor used to teach me about computers is, Superior information in, superior information out." That means you have to fill your heart with high standards and then high standards will flow from within you. Good advice.

  5. 6-7-8 breathing technique. Try this. Relaxing your body and mind and preparing yourself for sleep breathe deeply through your nose to the count of 6 -hold it and count to 7. Breathing out through your mouth slowly to the count of 8. Do this 4 or 5 times. Relaxed yet? You should be. This is one of several breathing techniques to relax you in seconds. I try this every night and it really works!

  6. Stretch your mind and your body before bed. This cat like maneuver will get you ready for sleep, just like the feline's way.

It has shown through studies that more than a third are not getting their full 8 hours a night of quality sleep. That's not very good. Especially when you realize that lack of sleep is associated with greater risk of obesity, diabetes, mental illness and heart disease. We all need sleep.

Try my Dreamlanz teas, I have formulated them with herbs and fruits shown to have positive effects on sleep. I am one of those who could not get to sleep for years because of my brain tumor. It affected my pituitary gland, the gland which is responsible for creating melatonin. Although, I did not replicate melatonin in the body, I did find the herbs that would finally give me a great night's sleep.

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