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Recurring Dreams by Leisel

Dreams- Recurring nightmares

When you wake up in a sweat, having the same dream night after night it can be distressing. Where do these dreams come from?

Nearly two-thirds of people report having recurring dreams of this kind at one point or another. Teeth falling out, being naked in front of the class or rushing to class when you’re days late; most of us have experienced these kinds of nightmares.

Where do these dreams come from?

The science of dreams tells us that they come from some kind of unresolved stress in our lives. While the majority of recurring dreams have negative emotions such as anger, guilt or remorse.

Most of the dreams occur while we are in danger. Some of the dreams can have positive meanings like erotic dreams or where like I’ve experienced, where we can fly.

We all experience these dreams from one extent to another, let’s examine these now. Also, you must factor in your personal experiences when decoding a dream.

They often metaphorically reflect the emotional concerns of the dreamer. Having a nightmare about earthquakes or being trapped by a fire would be common to someone experiencing abuse or trauma. This represents emotions of fear or hopelessness in their waking life.

Randomly meeting a celebrity. Meeting a Brad Pitt or Dua Lipa in your dream is the highlight of peoples dream life, because that person represents something special to your life. Maybe it’s the glamour or maybe it’s the genius of meeting Einstein, but there’s a spark.

Let's look at some recurring dream themes-

Dreaming of being able to fly

While I have personally dreamed of being able to fly, I know that's the goal of many night time dreamers. Struggling to fly is an indication that you are being held back from moving ahead in your life by something. Also, it might indicate that your self-esteem is low and struggling to meet your goals in life.

Running Late

Running late in your dream means you are under pressure and might be missing out on things in your life. You are probably anxious about missed opportunities and succeeding in life. You are so busy on missing old opportunities that you start to worry about reaching milestones at the right time.

Discovering a New Room

This means that you are open for new opportunities in life and you have realized something new about yourself. If the new room is in white, you are ready for a new beginning and if it is like a blank canvas, you are ready to paint it with your new visions. Yay!

Dreaming about luxury

Did you dream about something that you knew was too expensive for you in real life? Probably it is in your diet, and all the things you have been forgoing in that diet. I know, this seems simplistic, but when we dream all of our desires come bubbling to the surface, and yearning for food to satisfy us is a primal need.

Dreaming about the death of a loved one

I know, this is a hard one to deal with. We've all had dreams about the death of a person who is close by, like a parent. While these dreams can be disconcerting, it is important to realize that they happen to everyone, and they often don't mean what you think they mean.

It means change.

Often, people have change in their lives such as a retirement or a child going off to college. While these are big changes for people to undertake, LIFE is change.

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