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6 ways to shut off your brain at bedtime.

Create a Bedtime routine to get your best dreams.

Dreams are only the beginning.

Hello to all my dreamers out there. My name is Leisel and I have been studying dreaming for many years now, and I finally found a way to share dreams with all of you creative and imaginative people. I present to you Dreamlanz, my tea company in which I can be proud of and share my recipes for herbal teas.

Allow me to tell you about myself first; I am a proud American woman of Hispanic ancestry which means simply that my line goes back to Spain. I am a mother of four and a graduate in Mortuary Science and latter as a Bachelor of Arts degree recipient. I am also a stroke survivor, had a brain tumor, have kidney problems and a host of other maladies; but, I will not be a statistic!

I have written five books and spent years training on how to lucid dream. When I actually did lucid dream, I was so excited I woke myself up, which is very common. As time went by, and I was able to spend time in my lucid dreams, it was magical.

Before you can start doing the 6 steps below, I have to say that you need to cut off caffeine consumption at least 8 hours before bedtime.

I want everyone to experience the freedom I felt when I had my lucid dreams. I want to take you through what I went through, step by step.

First, Cleaning up your sleep routine. You must start with a clean slate. That's where we begin.

Step number one.

Take time to drink your tea.

Try one of my relaxing, regenerating teas to get ready for bed. This should be the first step to signal your mind that the day has ended, and it's bedtime. Cozy up with a warm blanket on the couch, or bed other place where you feel safe and relaxed. Smell the delightful scents coming off the tea and feel the warmth coming into your hands as you hold the cup between them. Sip and taste letting the delicious flavor carry you away as you close your eyes and imagine, just for a second, walking along the Seine in Paris. Feel the comfort as it fills your soul with happiness. The tea contains ingredients that will help you dream; even if you never lucid dream, I feel everyone should have dreams to remember.

This is tea time with Dreamlanz.

Writing in your dream journal.

Taking time out each day to write in your dream journal about dreams you've had, or would like to experience helps to connect you with the dream world. This activity helps you to engage in your fantasy life in a whole new way. You don't need to remember large chunks of your dream, write only what you remember; they will become longer with time-Trust me.

Write down your top three anxieties for the day.

This could be in a separate journal or part of your dream journal remembering to keep them separate. Jot down 3 things that you're worried about, then let them go. Sleep should not be the time to open Pandora's box to start worrying.

Put down your phone, shut off your T.V.

I know, putting down your phone, or shutting off your T.V. is hard to do, especially when it's time to watch the new episode of, 'Emily in Paris', right? Trust me, it will still be there tomorrow, but your sleep is more important. The blue light coming off the phone screens and T.V. screens will interfere with your circadian rhythms. Try a white noise machine or fan, instead.

Stretch, don't exercise.

Stretching, but not exercising before bed helps to relax you, big time. So can taking a warm shower or bath. Physically letting go of the days stresses helps to unwind your mind.

6-7-8 breathing technique.

Practice the 6-7-8 breathing technique. The slow, methodic breathing in will help to oxygenate your blood, then the slow 'whooshing' sound releasing your rib cage will get you ready for sleep. Try this, it made such a difference for me and falling asleep.

These are my tricks that have taken years to perfect. Now, they are yours.

Remember, In Kintsugi, broken objects are often repaired with GOLD. The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the object's history, which adds to its beauty.

Consider this when you feel broken.

Tell me what made you feel broken. Then tell me what made you strong.

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